Embrace AI?

In recent years, artificial intelligence (AI) has increasingly woven itself into the fabric of our daily lives, making waves across various industries and transforming how we perceive the world. Since we are no longer on the "brink of an AI-driven future", but on the forefront, the question remains: Is AI truly in the world's best interest?
Though fields such as health, economical sustainability and customer experience are greatly enhanced and improved, balancing the benefits and risks is crucial to ensure that AI serves humanity positively. Ongoing discussions and regulations will play a key role in shaping its future.
The impact of AI on the world's best interest is a complex topic. While AI can drive innovation, improve efficiency, and solve significant challenges, it also raises concerns about job displacement, privacy, and ethical use.
However, most notably and raised in Forseti Solutions' most recent roundtable, is the concern for privacy, patents, exposure and security. While some attendees noted that it is beneficial, though like befriending a giant that doesn't know their own strength, it is also a negative in the same way - results cannot be determined with precise expectation or even historical evidence.
Despite being the "future", AI has seemingly been "grandfathered" into our world - do we as Professionals, Businesses and Individuals proceed with caution, or embrace entirely?